Oct 14, 20202 min

Is it important to obtain an MLC/MLR?

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

--By Advocate Ankita Sarangi--

The main role of MLC/MLR arises when a patient has met with an accident or has been attacked by someone. It comes handy at the time of filing an FIR and as evidence in the court of law, in case a criminal case is to be filed. In any case it is advisable to get your MLC even if the police is discouraging due to several reasons. Based on the nature of injury, FIR is registered and provisions of the Indian Penal Code are applied depending on which category they fall under. Based on these classifications, bail is also set and decided.

Role of Doctors?

Although it is a legal responsibility of the doctors and the hospital administration, but many refuse or avoid doing it fearing being embroiled in court cases or dealing with "unsparing" counsels on both sides. Earlier, only Government hospitals used to bear the responsibility to make an MLC but now even Private hospitals have come under the ambit of law. The medical professional has a responsibility to differentiate between injury caused due to natural or unnatural factors and determine which cases come under the category of medical legal cases. There are penal provisions attracting penalty in case a doctor avoids making MLC in certain cases.

What does an MLC comprise of?

Often mistaken, but it is separate from the prescription slip obtained from the medical practitioner. It is a detailed paper providing a front and back sketch of the patient marking the area of injury, depth of injury. Further the injury is described under 3 categories- Simple, Grievous and Danger. Your case falls under simple injury if for instance there is a scratch or any other minor injury. Grievous hurt is more serious in nature along the lines of a permanent infirmity/disability. Lastly, Danger covers a case of narrow escape.


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