Oct 14, 20201 min

Can Banks Pressurize to repay home loan?

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

--By Advocate Ankita Sarangi--

Being entangled in a property dispute is as it is harrowing but can your bank force you to pay back the home loan? The answer to this lies in the type of property dispute you are in. For instance, the same property was sold to more than one buyers and therefore the same has now found a way to the middle of a legal quagmire.

It is important to note that the banks before granting loans do their due diligence, they do a background check on the property with the authorities. For their cause, the onus rests on the bank to find out whether the person taking loan has possessory title or is the bona-fide owner of the property.

In case you decide to move the court, it is important to make your Bank one of the Respondents. In most probability, the court will at least grant an interim relief pending the case, to not pay an EMI on the same till the matter is sub judice or still pending .

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